Stars in Our Hearts & Full Moon in Scorpio…

Hello my friends! It has been such a long time since I have written. I have been deeply in hermit mode and definitely in my winter season. That is a post for another time though. Lately I have been getting a nudge from Spirit to write. Nothing obvious you know, just passing a car with WRIITE on its plates or walking into a shop with, “All write, All write,” painted on the wall in large letters! So what inspired me to write tonight? The beautiful full moon for starters, and earlier today a beautiful heart formed in the melted wax as it cooled down after I wrapped and sealed a couple of decks. I have shared the photo below. I suggest you zoom in if you can. It is so amazing. It looks like the universe is inside the heart and at the top of the heart it looks like the universe is pouring into it. I also find it interesting that the heart is black on one side as if it was showing me how things are born of the dark. It made me think how we really are the stars and inside of our hearts is the universe! Heaven won’t be found outside of us, but it can be found inside our hearts if we seek it out.

Stars in our hearts

Stars in our hearts…

Can you see how the universe is pouring into our hearts?

Tonight we have a full moon in Scorpio, and I felt this was perfect for a full moon. The full moon is a time to release what is no longer needed. Scorpio is also the Death card in tarot, a card of transformation, a card of something ‘dying’ so something new can be reborn. Scorpio is the alchemist, the magician and the shaman, and is yin in nature. This astrological sign is about transformation, mutation, secrets and hidden desires. It is about facing our shadows. So what a perfect time to bring light onto that which we need to release with the luminous light of the full moon! Of course I was drawn to shuffle the cards and see what Spirit had to say, and without fail the cards that came out were ‘funny’ shall we say! The Magician was the first tarot card out followed by the Tower. What’s so funny about that you may ask? No one wants to see the Tower, not really, but I did laugh because the planet linked with that card is Mars, and guess what planet rules Scorpio? Mars! Armed with that bit of information, onto your reading and message from Spirit…

Self Love and Innocence were the first 2 cards out and I immediately felt this was a time for taking off any robes that we may be wearing that no longer serve us, and spend some time on cherishing ourselves. How many layers of ‘clothing’ do we keep adding onto our bodies that do nothing but weigh us down? Imagine what it would be like if we kept adding clothes everyday as we got dressed without ever taking off what we were wearing before. Pretty soon it would become cumbersome and we would feel like we were being smothered.

This is exactly the same when we take on too many emotions or too many tasks without releasing them or saying “NO!” This is what I noticed in the cards, there are a lot of naked bodies! Strip down, metaphorically, or of course you could strip down and dance naked under the moonlight! I imagine that would be quite liberating and luscious to do but that’s not what I’m writing about tonight. I believe that the short and sweet of the message is, “Take time to stop and smell the roses.” Let go of what is weighing you down. Let go of what doesn’t make you feel good, be that a not so healthy diet, being all work and no play, or spending time with people you don’t resonate with etc. Take time to care for yourself. Take time to rest, to spend time with those you love, be it a lover, family or friends. Rest and rejuvenate. Move into a state of being, a state of receptivity instead of a state of doing and forcing. I feel this is a very important message and that is why the Tower showed up. If we don’t make time to care for ourselves, eventually the stress starts to manifest in the body. So if you have been getting messages from Spirit to take of yourself, then it would be wise to do so. The last thing you want is the tower moment and Spirit forcing you to take time out.

oracle and tarot reading the rose temple

Full Moon in Scorpio Reading

What can you release this full moon?

Another message from Spirit is to tap into your inner magician and create some magic in your life. This can also be done in a very feminine yin way. Move your body through dance, sing, create art or even spending time in nature and enjoying its beauty are all ways of bringing in some magic. So on tonight’s full moon grab your journal, a deck of cards or 2 if you have some and ask Spirit, source, the universe or God what you should release and what you can alchemise. You can even ask how you could bring more magic into your life. If you are able to do so safely, write what you are releasing on a bit of paper and then burn it. Fire is the perfect element for alchemy. However, if you are unable to do so, then perhaps you could bury your note in the garden and let it decompose in the soil. Whatever works for you as there is no right or wrong way.

I hope you have enjoyed this reading. Sending you much love xxx

PS: I have finally made another dent into the creation of the tarot deck! Here is a sneak peek of a few of the cards I have created lately. I would love to know your thoughts.

tarot of the rose tarot cards

Tarot of the Rose Sneak Peek

The Star is on the left, the Hermit on top and Judgement on the bottom.

PPS: Seeing we’re talking about alchemy and the archetype of Scorpio being the magician, I just have to share this sneak peak too…the Magician…

The magician tarot card tarot of the rose

The Magician Sneak Peek

What magic will you allow to enter your life this full moon?

Happy full moon in Scorpio! xxx


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